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In here, you will find many articles and insights all concerning the interesting world of psychology and mental health. Why? Because it is so incredibly important to share information about these topics. To break the stigma of mental illness. To help people understand themselves and others better. To create awareness.

Why is there a paid option?

As a writer, freelancer and content creator I am putting in a lot of hours. These newsletters are so much fun to make, but they require days of researching, writing, editing and designing. I am quite new to the freelancing world and it can be challenging at times to guarantee financial security. Luckily, Substack offers the option to add a premium membership for my mental health content. As of today I am enabling this, hoping you can spare something to support my work.

Balancing my vision to make mental health content and psychology insights available to everyone while simultaneously trying to make a living is not easy. Ethically, I never want to take advantage of people’s mental health struggles for financial gain. For this reason, I am working hard to provide good quality content without compromising my integrity. I want to let you know that this premium membership is fully optional. If you are financially unable to, please do not force yourself to pay.

For those unable or unwilling to pay, I will keep sharing free content (so please do not unsubscribe!). However, for those who can financially support me I definitely want to add extra value. Below I have summarized what both subscriptions (free and premium) will consist of. If you receive this email, it means you automatically keep the free subscription and will receive free biweekly mental health content like before, unless you decide to unsubscribe.

What will you get?

Regularly you will receive a full newsletter. Below is an explanation what both subscriptions offer you (free and premium):

Free subscription:

  • You will regularly receive a free edition of The Present Psychologist Paper sent to your email.

  • This edition will consist of:

    • One deep dive topic covering a mental health/psychology concept.

Premium subscription:

  • You will regularly receive premium articles of The Present Psychologist Paper sent to your email.

  • These premium articles will consist of extra deep dives on relevant topics covering a mental health/psychology concept.

  • Access to the digital archive of all premium content. If you subscribe, all previous paid content will become available to you on my Substack.

Okay, I’m interested. What is the financial damage?

Substack offers several options for a premium subscription. To support me financially, the following is possible:

  • A monthly premium subscription priced at $5.50 per month (approximately €5, the currency of my home country). It is possible to cancel or reactivate this subscription on a monthly basis.

  • An annual premium subscription. This one comes at a discount for $55 per year paid at once (instead of 12 x $5.50 = $66 per year).

  • A founding member premium annual subscription. This is only if you have the financial means and willingness to donate more than $55. You can enter the preferred amount yourself.

About me

My name is Alf and I am a psychologist and writer, creating content online to make psychology more accessible for you all. One of my biggest passions is creating awareness about mental health topics. I studied social and clinical psychology at University of Amsterdam.

Currently I have an Instagram account @thepresentpsychologist where I share insights and infographics related to psychology & mental health. If you are interested, give me a follow there!

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Everything about mental health, psychology, brains and therapy in one.


Psychologist and writer passionate about mental health advocacy, creating awareness about psychology.