Dear mental health advocate,
A new year has started. It’s 2025 already. Doesn’t that feel crazy? It means the second quarter of the 21st century has finally begun. I hope you had a good year back in 2024 and it brought you better mental health. If it did not, then I really wish for you a 2025 with greater times ahead. For me personally, a new year means recalibrating, trying to figure out how I can grow as a person and improve my own mental health. For some, this means specific resolutions. You could make a list and track all your goals. Personally, I do not make exact lists with specified actions. Instead, I try to shift my mindset and perspective in general.
Whichever way you choose to focus on 2025, I would like to help you with some tips on how to get a fresh start and achieve more personal growth. It is entirely up to you, but if you are like me, a challenge and support is highly appreciated. Standing still in life can be difficult to deal with, so I hope you find the energy to fight for your mental health and become a better version of you! Here are my tips for new beginnings and personal growth:
1) Embrace Change.
The only constant in life is change. This fact is even more peculiar knowing that as humans, we are quite hard-wired to reject change and focus on what is familiar. How difficult it may be, try to accept the unknown or when something will be different. Yes, that means saying goodbye and sometimes stepping out of your comfort zone. But it also means growth, experiencing new things and maybe even learning about life in ways you thought impossible.
2) Nourish Personal Connections.
Yes, even when you are introverted. I do not mean to say that you should go beyond your social batteries or overstep your own boundaries. Instead, cherish and nourish the bonds you have with people. Show up. Organize a get together and spend time in a way that makes you feel good. Have deep conversations. Tell your loved ones you care about them. And ultimately, help each other out. It will make you feel good and it will improve the lives of the people you love.
3) Keep On Learning.
Ever thought of taking up a new hobby? Or doing that course for work you find interesting? I’d say: do it. Your brain stays a bit stuck if you do not give it some new input every now and then. It can be very rewarding to figure out a new skill. For example, confidence can be gained and you can enjoy spending your free time doing something you love.
4) Know Who You Are.
It’s essential to get in touch with your own wants, needs, personality and boundaries. Use introspection and really ask yourself the right questions to understand who you are and how you operate. What makes you happy? What do you think is important? What is an absolute dealbreaker for you? What gives you energy? What drains your energy? If this becomes more clear to you, it will be easier to make choices that align with yourself.
5) Grow Your Emotional Intelligence.
To all you hyper-independent people out there, I know this might not be high on your priorities list. But trust me, this is good for you and important. Focusing on the emotions, strengths and weaknesses of others will help you understand people better. This will improve the relationships you have, as you can attune better to your own and their needs. You will make more balanced and informed decisions. You will understand more easily what is best for both. Also, it can be great for conflict resolutions.
6) Practice Gratitude.
Yep, here we go again. You might be tired of hearing this, but it is SO true. As humans we are bound to focus on the negative things, as they have a big impact on us and it makes us work to remove them. However, while the positive things often have a more fleeting impact, they are definitely not less important. It really helps your mental health if you get to reflect on the good things that happen in your life, however small they might be.
7) Care for Yourself.
Your mind and your body are yours, and yours alone. But they need the right attention. Sure you can let loose sometimes, we are not robots. However, I’d strongly urge you to take care of your body and brain. Exercise, focus on healthy foods, get enough fresh air, sleep enough and stimulate your brain. Challenge it with puzzles, new skills, learning a new language, reading books. You only have one YOU. Treat yourself well.
8) Celebrate Your Successes.
However small or big, whether it is a baby step or climbing the Mount Everest, it is IMPERATIVE you celebrate your own milestones. Sometimes we come from really far, and stepping out of our comfort zone is scary. If we reach a goal that we have set for ourselves then that should be acknowledged. And you get to decide how you want to do that.
Premium content 📂
Whether you are new to The Present Psychologist Paper or not, I’d like to let you know that on this platform I send out editions with articles about psychology and mental health every month. I send out a free version, but also a paid version. The free one consists of one article, the paid one means getting extra articles sent. It’s the price of a cheap takeaway coffee each month, cancellable when you want and you would support me as a freelancer.
Decorate a Wall With a Printed Poster!
I have an exciting update! Some of you have reached out to me on various channels asking if some of my designs are available in poster format. These are very useful to decorate your classroom, private practice, your office or any other room. I believe spreading awareness is vital to improve mental health, especially when it comes to students, colleagues, family and friends. Previously, I already provided digital copies online, but now I am thrilled to announce I have partnered with Printify to sell high-quality physical posters of my designs. They come in sizes 18 x 24 inch (45.72 x 60.96 cm) and 24 x 32 inch (60.96 x 81.28 cm). Three different materials are available: fine art, semi-glossy and matte. If there is any design you are missing from my Instagram, let me know and I will add it to the assortment.
Thank you for this post. Often I’m not in the mood for reading this kind of thing, but today I was and it hit the spot. A happy new year to you too ❤️